Early Years

Early Learning at St Thomas School and Preschool


All children are extraordinary. We believe in a child's right to play, to explore, to question, to wonder, to have fun, to be a child, and to find joy in life and learning.

At St Thomas School and Preschool we believe that investing in early childhood education should be an absolute, unrivalled priority. Early Learning at St Thomas is comprised of our playgroup, preschool and early years.

“We see the grace of God at work in their sense of wonder at the beauty of the sea, a landscape, or a flower; we see it in their enquiring minds, their search for knowledge; we see it when they are at play, exploring their imagination; we see it in their uncomplicated affection, trust and warmth; and we see it in their reaching out, in their sometimes surprising inclusion and care of others”.

- Children: Close to The Mystery of God