14th December 2023  
2024 Amended Bell Times
Our bell times will change slightly next year with school finishing at 3.00pm Our bell times will be as follows:

Morning duty begins 8.30am

Start of the school day 8.50am

End of the school day 3.00pm

Afternoon duty ends 3.20pm

from the Principal ..........
Well, we have made it to the end of the school year for 2023! We have so much for which to be thankful and as our year draws to a close, I want to acknowledge the many wonderful experiences of learning, achievement, growth, challenge, and connectedness that have filled our community.

Over these recent weeks we have enjoyed many wonderful occasions including: Transition sessions to Preschool and 2024 classrooms, end of year excursions, Graduation Assembly and Dinner as well as the Excellence Assembly. Our successful ‘Principal For A Day’ applicants were Matilda Johnston and Joseph Law, who showed outstanding leadership last week ago as they fulfilled their roles with ease. They were treated to a ‘real day in the Principal’s Office’ which apparently they said was ‘easy and fun!'

This week we say ‘farewell’ to our Year 6 students as they prepare to make the transition to secondary school. I sincerely congratulate all our students on this achievement and extend my gratitude to them for their contributions to our St Thomas school community. Their leadership this year has been wonderful and we wish them every blessing in their future endeavours. I thank also their parents, who have given so generously in support of their education and contributed to our school in so many ways.

We say ‘thank you and farewell’ to: Anne-Marie Procter, Rita Giannakakis, Tanya Hoendervanger, Johana Boutros, Cindy Tinnefeld and Chloe Harford. We thank also Desiree Henthorn who joined us for Term 4 as Acting Co-Deputy Principal. We thank and farewell Bob Hookway who has been a music tutor at St Thomas for 12 years. We wish Bernie Philips and Chloe Harford every blessing as they await new baby arrivals. We wish Carreen Long every happiness in her leave for 2024.

For those students and families who are leaving our school this year, I wish you every blessing and happiness for your future. Thank you for being part of our school community and may your heart be filled with many cherished memories and the strength of the spirit of St Thomas.

In closing, I would like to thank and acknowledge all of our Staff and our Leadership Team – Paul Mensforth, Desiree Henthorn, Sebestyen Maglai and Laura Donnellan for their tireless support and valuable contributions to our school. My gratitude also is extended to our School Board, P & F and all our volunteers who contribute so generously to our school. Thank you also to Fr John and the Emmaus Parish for their constant support.

As Christmas approaches, I pray that this time brings you some moments to celebrate the gifts of hope, peace, joy, love, that our God sent to us on that first Christmas. The gift of hope that was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Be sure to enjoy many wonderful moments with your loved ones. May your Christmas be filled with blessings and stay safe until we see you back with us next year.

Belinda Burford


From the Deputy Principal

When your eyes gaze upon this crib and see the beauty and wonder of the nativity story, you know you are part of something special- you physically feel the love and connection that God shares with all creation. Mary and Joseph were told to name the new baby Emmanual (meaning ‘God is with us’) –God is certainly with us!

The stories of Jesus’ birth remind us of God’s closeness to the human story. The human story is one of goodness and beauty, and of struggle and suffering. It doesn’t take much to list off the things that have brought us joy and the challenges we have faced just in the last week. But all these experiences play a part in shaping us. The stories of Jesus’ birth give us a picture of this complete story. Born in a lowly place, surrounded by unsettling conflict and political conditions, nurtured by the loving care of family and celebrated by humble shepherds and learned wise men. When we hear these stories, we are reminded that Jesus, ‘God with us,’ is deeply connected to humanity- to you and to me. But Jesus is not only connected to humanity, Jesus inspires humanity to BE LIGHT IN THE WORLD.

Jesus inspires us to be the best version of ourselves.

Jesus inspires us to use our gifts to make the world better.

Jesus inspires us to love unconditionally.

Jesus inspires us to stand up for what is right and just.

Jesus inspires us to approach conflict out of love.

Jesus inspires us to forgive fully.

Jesus inspires us to BE who we were created to BE!

So this Christmas, take time to reflect on the BIG STORY of which we are all a part. Take time to consider the ways Jesus inspires you and your family to be the best version of yourselves.

Take time to be still and celebrate this story of faith within family and community. Say grace at the Christmas table, celebrate the parish Family Mass on Christmas Eve on our school oval at 7pm or read the story of the first Christmas as a family.

Go gently,

Paul Mensforth

Deputy Principal

School Calendar

Monday  29h

First day of school 2024


Tuesday 29th

School Photos


Tuesday 5th

Preschool Photos

Thursday 7th

Preschool Photos


Friday 8th

Student Free Day

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends,

Today we celebrated the end of the 2023 school year with a Thanksgiving Mass. It was so lovely to see the children, staff and parent community fully participate in this Mass with reverence and joy.  On behalf of St Thomas School and Preschool, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Monsignor Robert Rice and the parish of Emmaus for everything they have done to support the St Thomas School community in celebrating the Eucharist.

Also we would like to thank Fr John for the support and great celebrations during the year. We are truly blessed to have such amazing people who continue to give of themselves for the service of our students.

As the school year ends, just enjoy the fun that the summer holidays will bring. To all, I wish you a joyous Christmas and a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday. Travel safe and God bless.


A very long time ago God made a VERY BIG PROMISE to all of us and all of creation …

God would send someone very special to show us how to make a ‘broken world’ a

much safer and happier place for everyone to live in. God kept that promise and …..

sent Jesus.

Wishing all of our students, families, staff and parishioners a Christmas filled with


The St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria (Vinnies SA), Catholic Charities, Catherine House, More Street Day centre and Caritas Australia are extremely grateful for the generous support received from the St Thomas School & Pre-School community throughout the year.

Sebestyen Maglai


from Chair of the School Board
This is me

So, I guess this is it.

It’s thank you, from me to you.

It felt strange when I begun this newsletter section, writing what I was feeling about this school life/parent gig. Because I thought – well this is just me.

But then you said you read it, and that you got it.

When I wrote about how we created a village, you reached out and told me you found your own.

I told you I once wrote a letter to my future self, and you joined the website the next day.

There were lessons on gratitude, patience and tiredness. I thought it may be just me, but then I saw you in the carpark nodding, and I saw you got that.

Finally, there were the thoughts on the lasts, finishing primary school and savouring the best friends you found on the way. Then you called me, crying whilst reading it, and I knew you got that too.

So, I am signing off now and saying thank you. For coming on this parenting journey with me. Finding our way through masks, restrictions, parking battles, friendships and the rollercoaster.

What is constant in each of my pieces, is when you slow down, take a moment, you realise, this right here is living. There is no after party. This is it. The good, the bad, the everything.

This summer is just one step away from a new chapter.

So stop, slow down and don’t let it fly by.

It’s been a ride,

Trish Jarvis 

Chair of St Thomas School Board

Duck & Turtle Fitness
We are back that week before Christmas these holidays!

We are also excited to be able to offer the first drop of our kids merchandise range and can have them available to you before Christmas if ordered before December 1. T-shirts and caps can now be ordered through the website when booking your tickets and even better, if you enter the discount codes available on the booking page of the site you’ll save 10-15% off your entire order!

Obviously we won’t get our Christmas shopping done again this year, but it would be brilliant if you did 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽

SATURDAY 23 DECEMBER -  6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Therese Col Light Gdns

SUNDAY       24 DECEMBER  -  9.00am  Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Dolours Kingswood

SUNDAY       24 DECEMBER  - 10.30am Sunday  Mass at Holy Cross Goodwood


6.00pm - St Therese, Col Light Gardens - incl nativity

6.30pm - Our Lady of Dolours, Kingswood -  incl nativity


 12 Midnight Holy Cross Church (with choir music from 11.30am)


9.00am - Our Lady of Dolours, Kingswood ONLY

THERE  IS  NO  CHRISTMAS  DAY  MASS  at  St Therese  OR  Holy Cross

Christmas with Unley Council
Dear local primary schools, 

Find here and below our latest Living Young newsletter with information on activities occurring during December of interest to children and young people.

Kind Regards,

Alyssa Hill

Community Development Project Officer – Youth

Community Connections

City of Unley

Kaurna Country

P: (08) 8372 5455


Uniform Reminders
Please be reminded that formal shoes are to be BLACK SCHOOL SHOES and sports shoes are to be PREDOMINENTLY WHITE.

Uniform Policy 2023- SIMPLE.pdf

Thank you

The Leadership Team

We are looking forward to the recommencement of our most loved Gala Day Event

Saturday 16th March 2024