3rd July 2023  
Meg (Year 6) represented St Thomas on the South East District Netball team at the SAPSASA state carnival last week. Meg’s team won the carnival and took home the gold medal undefeated! Such a brilliant achievement!
Meg sapsasa.jpg
from the Principal ..........
As our term draws towards a close, there is much to be celebrated and acknowledged from this term. In this week’s newsletter I provide a snapshot of some of the highlights from this term to share just some of the wonderful examples of success, growth, grittiness, bravery and connectedness that we have witnessed over the course of this term.

Our Preschool students who are beginning Reception next term completed a very successful transition program and we wish them every success as they begin their next journey into school. Highlights in Preschool have also included the flourishing garden and the very popular new sensory play resources and activities.

Our Reception and Year 1 students have been hard at work developing their literacy and numeracy skills. Their teachers have been so impressed by their efforts and determination.

Our Year 2 classes went on a tour of Unley to learn about our local community and they classified parts of the community into Kaurna, post-colonisation and modern SA when visiting Unley Museum.

2CR were very excited to be the Nude Food Winners by cutting down on waste in their lunch boxes and enjoyed a pizza lunch together to celebrate.

All Year 3 students attended the Festival Theatre to see Possum Magic on stage. For some this was their first time at the Festival Centre and for others their first ride on a tram.

They have also been excited and proud to document their learning this term by creating ebooks on their Ipads.

I was pleased to be invited to the Year 4 Shark Tank where they showcased some of their very clever and creative innovations to a world problem. I was completely impressed with their collaborative skills, problem solving strategies, use of ICT and then articulate presentations of their designs. I now know there is a solution to real-world problems including tricky milk cartons to open, dripping ice cream cones, pencil holders, fridges that hold everything, and humane rat traps!

Our Year 5 learners have looked closely at the changes in Australia since colonisation and the importance of our Indigenous History. They have also grown in their knowledge and understanding of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the richness of the Mass.

In Year 6 news, our students have also completed and presented a science inquiry on a topic that they were interested in, with many of them submitting their work to the oliphant science awards. Their presentations were detailed and well researched. Our Year 6 students participated in Bike Ed this week, showing great responsibility in bike safety. Particular commendation to Joshua, through his grit and bravery was seen riding through the streets of Goodwood confidently!

In SPARK news, some incredible narratives and poems were submitted to the SAETA competition with ten of our students shortlisted for awards. Of particular note, we commend Ruby, Rose, Alfie and Brodie for their exceptional and moving pieces of writing. We will hear early next term in regards to the winners, but it’s such an achievement to have so many shortlisted authors!

In Debating news, we have six teams in the debating competition with one team currently first in the State, one team third and one team ninth out of 130 teams. Many students have also won speaker of the night awards. The greatest highlight here is that 24 of our Year 6 students elected to be in this challenging competition and develop their skills. Congratulations on making this commitment!

We were blessed to witness 23 students celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with Archbishop Patrick O’Regan last Thursday evening. It was wonderful to celebrate with them and their families as we acknowledge this important step in their commitment to their faith journey.

Congratulations to Meg (Year 6) who represented St Thomas on the South East District team at the SAPSASA state carnival last week. Meg’s team won the carnival and took home the gold medal undefeated! Such a brilliant achievement!

Congratulations to Eliza (Year 6) who has been selected to represent School Sport SA at the School Sport Australia 12 years and under girls touch football Championship. The championship will be held in Darwin, Northern Territory in August.

In Staffing news, we said farewell to Mr O’Dwyer last week and wish him all the best as he begins his new position in a community who will undoubtedly appreciate him as much as we have. We welcome Mr Jeremy Fitzpatrick who will join us next term in Year 6. We look forward to Jeremy’s arrival and the many valuable contributions he will make to our senior unit. We also farewell Louisa White (ESO) who has been working with us over the past year in our Preschool and early years classes. We wish her well in her studies and educational career.

I am away on leave this week, so I wish you all the very best for the upcoming holidays and hope that you all return refreshed and re-energised for Term Three.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Belinda Burford


from the Deputy Principal ............
Reports are here!

Well it is that time of year, when our teachers are looking a little more tired because they’ve been a little more busy than usual… Yes, it is report time!

But as stressful as this time can be for our teachers, it is extremely rewarding to have this opportunity to reflect deeply on the learning journey of each of our students. To approach each day with the goal of helping twenty five unique individuals reach their full potential is no mean feat. Designing and assessing learning, building classroom culture, offering friendship counselling- the role is wide and varied. But, as challenging as the teacher’s role may be, it is in the celebrations of growth and transformation where their true reward lays. And report writing offers these moments in abundance.

Our teachers (fuelled by coffee and complete dedication to our students) spent time reviewing assessment tasks and reflecting on key points of growth witnessed throughout the semester. Each of our students brings a richness to our community and it is our hope that this uniqueness is expressed in the carefully chosen words of each report. They each possess great strengths, but there are also areas for future growth in becoming the best version of themselves. What a privilege to be part of documenting these milestones on their journey!

So, when they do make it home, what is the best way to read your child’s report? Is the envelope ripped open in the school yard or do you wait until you get home? Do you jump straight to the grades and celebrate by proclaiming the number of ‘A’ grades recorded? Do you ignore the grades and look carefully over the effort levels? Do you jump straight to the comment?

These important documents are ‘snap-shots’ of the stages of growth perceived by our professional staff. The grades will tell us something about a student’s achievement in relation to their year level and the Australian Curriculum. This information can tell us more about areas of strength and areas requiring support. The effort levels will offer some indication of the effort levels our teachers have observed throughout the semester. The Learning Disposition Statements will provide an indication of the student’s growth within the key skills and dispositions of a learner. And the comment is our teachers’ opportunity to reflect on the uniqueness of each student.

So, we would recommend that the best way to read your child’s report is by dedicating a good amount of time; time to read the report a few times and digest the information; time to reflect on the successes and celebrations of the year so far; and time to consider new pathways to support areas for growth. The best way to read your child’s report is with the same growth-mindset we hope to instil in our students. Hold on to perceived negative feedback with the knowledge that challenge and struggle provides rich learning opportunities. Take a good amount of time to reflect on each aspect of the report and set learning goals with your child for the remainder of the year.

To be human is to be transformational. Each of us is changing and evolving every day- a process of transformation we experience throughout our whole lives. May these reports be a reminder of this journey and the wonderful creation that is your child. And may these reports shine light on the positive pathways for their future growth. We hope you enjoy the reading just as much as our teachers have enjoyed the writing! 

Go gently,

Paul Mensforth

Deputy Principal

School Calendar


Wed 5th         Term 3 Reception Transition Morning

Wed 5th         St Thomas Feast Day Celebrations

Mon 31st       Learning Conferences begin

Advance Notice

Friday September 8th - Pupil Free Day

St Thomas TERM 2 FAMILY Calendar 2023.pdf

Dear parents, Caregivers and Friends,


Congratulations to the candidates who were sealed with the fruits and gifts of the Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday night; and to their families who continue to nurture and guide them on their faith and life journey.

Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation the Catholic Church and helps the candidates to be united more firmly with Christ. Please keep the candidates and their families in your prayers.

Sienna, Grace, Ruby, Harry, Sophie, Thomas, Cooper, Jesse, Josephine, Shenal, Chiara, Siena, Nikolai, Chloe, Dalia, Connor, Lucas, Chelsea, Maisey and Lucia.

Feast Day of St Thomas the Apostle

St Thomas’ Feast Day is 3rd of July each year. We are acknowledging and celebrating this special person last week of the term on Wednesday 5th of July.

The day will start with a special liturgy in the church at 9.00 am. Families are welcome to join us!

After the liturgy, the students will participate four different activities during the day in their house teams so they can wear their house colour T-shirt.

The aim of the day is to help the students to explore and learn about St. Thomas the Apostle. He was courageous and curious person and these are excellent attributes of a faith finder. Students are making cards, St Thomas badges that capture this thinking and we hope that it will help them to learn that who is our school’s patron saint.

St Thomas the Apostle

When we look at what the New Testament says about Thomas, we inevitably arrive at the popular story of Thomas the ‘doubter’. The tag ‘Doubting Thomas’ is a bit narrow, and to be fair, there is more to this person than just being doubtful. The fact that Thomas comes up a few times in the bible, tells us that he had something to offer. After all, some of the apostles were hardly mentioned at all, so for someone to be mentioned a few times… is a big deal.

In John’s gospel we come to the famous story where he states, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” Two thousand years later, we have the audacity to call Thomas out as being shaky. But if we actually try to imagine ourselves being there, we would see that he didn’t have the privilege of meeting up with Jesus the first time after he had been crucified. He was left out of that event for whatever reason. Thomas, quite reasonably, wanted some proof before making a huge leap in understanding. History has not shown that he was cut this slack. Let’s remember that it is human to ask questions. It is human to want to know more before believing in something that appears to be impossible.

Thomas was actually the first follower to commit to an understanding that Jesus is ‘Lord and God’. This is also a big deal and really sends home the message that faith is about curiosity, exploration and wanting to know more. Faith for human beings takes many years of exploration and we never truly get it during our lifetime.

Sebestyen Maglai


from Chair of the School Board
The power of showing up

There is an undeniable power in simply showing up. Whether it's for a friend in need, a family gathering, or a community event, our presence can make all the difference.

Showing up means being there physically, emotionally and mentally, offering our support and solidarity to those around us.

When we show up, we send a powerful message that says, "You matter. I care." Our presence provides comfort, reassurance and a sense of belonging.

It shows that we are invested in the relationships and communities we are a part of. By being present, we create opportunities for connection, understanding, and shared experiences that can positively impact the lives of others.

So, let's recognise and harness the incredible power of showing up.

Let's be present for the moments that matter, for the people we care about, and for the communities to which we belong.

Because in the end, it is our presence and active engagement that can create a ripple effect of positivity, unity and meaningful connections.

Friends – we are halfway through the year. As tired, exhausted and overwhelmed you may feel, just continue to show up.

Trish Jarvis

Chair - School Board


Michael Grose, a parenting expert, author and former teacher, says, ‘Resilience is the art of staying steadfast in the face of life’s difficulties. It is the ability to bungy-jump your way through life when you experience loss, disappointment and hardship. We all want our children to be resilient. It will help them deal with some of life’s smaller and bigger hurdles.

In his book “Bringing Out Your Child’s Resilience,” Michael suggests that there are 21 attributes which contribute to the development of resilience.

Follow this link to discover all 21 attributes…

St Thomas Resilience Series by Michael Grose- 00 Attributes of Resilience.pdf

We will aim to provide ongoing information and resources on these 21 attributes to support our St Thomas families in the great work of growing their children!

Follow this link to access the eighth attribute… Decision Making….

St Thomas Resilience Series by Michael Grose- 08 Decision-Making.pdf

Camp Australia
Please see flyers attached from Camp Australia

Bookings NOW OPEN for Rocketeers Holiday Program.

 CA Newsletter-end_of_term_3_pdf.pdf

Learn Sense Grow
Dear Families,

Please find attached our July school holiday program flyers.

All of our workshops are designed with our common OT goals in mind and with our social competency skills and social language embedded throughout to create awareness around these important skills whilst meeting and creating some new friendships! Morning tea is always provided.

As a summary we are offering the following dates, times and themes:

Tuesday 10th July 2023 9-12pm: Mindfulness and Yoga: Mindfulness can have many benefits for children, helping them cope with stress, anxiety, attention and behavioural issues by increasing their self-control, well-being, compassion, confidence, self-esteem, and ability to focus.

Wednesday 12th July 2023 9-12pm: The Mad Scientist: So many cool OT science embedded in this workshop and skills involved to support your child’s learning, development and social abilities.

Monday 17th July 2023 9-12pm: Calm your Farm: Intertwining lots of sensory play will help teach your kids to be calm-alert little farmers teaching them the right tools to “calm their farm”!

Wednesday 19th July 2023 9-12pm: Cooking Fiesta: Lots of social learning will be integrated within the activities of this workshop, whilst also including lots of proprioception using big muscles to help self-regulate whilst kneading and pressing out our own tortilla's.

Friday 14th and 21st July 9-11am: School Readiness Program: This is a targetted program for our younger friends in Kindy, preparing for school next year, about to start school mid-year or have started school and need a little extra support. Ideal ages 4-6 years.

These workshops are a great opportunity to work on your child’s social competency skill development in a group setting, whilst also incorporating our important and commonly focused OT skills of fine / visual /gross motor, primitive reflexes, handwriting, activities of daily living, purposeful play, executive functioning skills and more.

We see so much value in these workshops and have fantastic feedback from families. We would love to see our young friends there!

To book a spot please click the following hyper link and complete the registration form School Holiday Workshops - July 2023

Kind Regards,

Kelly Kroeger

Director and Paediatric Occupational Therapist


Jaime Maiden

Business Manager

Duck & Turtle
School Holiday Fitness

Monday 10, Wednesday 12 & Friday 14 July 2023

From 8.30am - 4pm

@ St Thomas School, Goodwood

Book online now!!


Oliphant Science Awards

The Oliphant Science Awards Open Days will again be held at Science Alive! at the Adelaide Showgrounds on Saturday 5th August and Sunday 6th August. As well as being able to view the Oliphant Science Awards prize winners, there will be two pavilions of exciting science displays, shows and activities happening across the two days. Only one category where all entries are on display is Models and Inventions – for all other categories, only the prize-winning projects will be on display.

SASTA will be giving Oliphant Science Awards families a discount of 30% on their ticket purchase. Eligible families will need to fill in the online form here https://bit.ly/OSA2023_DiscountOffer to register for one of these vouchers.


Chris Rampazis

Code Camp
St Thomas School and Preschool is offering Code Camp on Wednesdays after school in Term 3!

The Little Coders program is for students in Reception to Year 1 - students discover the basics of coding and take their first steps to becoming a coding superstar via fun, age-appropriate explanations, real-world scenario demos, games and group activities.

The Coding After-School program is for students in Year 2 to Year 6 - students will produce multiple games and apps using the exciting online platform Code Camp World!

Sessions will take place in the school library. For further details and enrolment, please see the below link. 

Parents will receive a $15 Early Bird discount if you enrol prior to 30 June using the discount code: AS3-EB-15

 Flyer - Code Camp After-School - St Thomas School and Pre School.pdf

Tennis Masters