11th April 2024  
We wish everyone a safe and blessed holiday break. Enjoy time with your loved ones to relax and reset. We can't wait to welcome you back on Tuesday 30th April for term 2.
Gala News
We are thrilled to announce a new Gala profit amount of $20,000, having finalised all Silent Auction prizes now! Congratulations to all on the spectacular success of this event!

A reminder to please complete the Gala Survey through the link below if you have not already done so. It should only take a few minutes!

Find out more >
from the Principal ..........
More than just a token of gratitude…

As our first term of 2024 draws to a close I have so much to be grateful for as Principal of this wonderful community! Our year has started off brilliantly with so many successful experiences and achievements to be acknowledged and celebrated in our school. Most noteworthy of course, is the strong level of engagement and wellbeing amongst our students! With the Learning Conferences held recently, the resounding feedback from students, staff and parents, centred around positive approaches to learning that are being established and maintained, constructive feedback given and received, goals set for learning and development and strengthened supportive relationships and connections. Beneath all of this rests much gratitude:

gratitude from families to school for the comprehensive care and concern for their child;

gratitude from child to parent and teacher for the help and care given;

gratitude from school and teacher to every child for being their wonderful self and to every parent for being part of this learning journey, working together with us, for the benefit of the child.

We are a community of learners. We have acknowledged many times before that it takes a village to raise a child and we are all that village, working together, learning together, trusting each other and helping each other to achieve a common goal: for every child to be and become the best version of themselves - happy, capable people, learners and leaders, contributing positively to the world now and into the future. In order for our children to achieve this, the village around them needs to reflect this, in both word and deed. For your enormous efforts towards this, I am deeply grateful and feel privileged to witness this each and every day.

Several of our families attended the recent Family Workshop run by Cybersafe families that focussed on the big issues of the ‘online world’ impacting children and families. In summarising some of the key takeaways from this session I would offer the following:

The big online issues in Primary Years include:

access to inappropriate content

social media use under age

image based abuse

cyber bullying

balancing time online

managing & understanding time

grooming and under-age exploitation

AI & Chat GPT –critical literacy so important, to determine what is true and what is not

Have the conversation with your child about all of the above!

Adults to model to children the behaviour they want to see with device usage

Children are sadly reporting they don’t matter as much to their parents as their device

Take the time to connect with each other

Words hurt – what goes online stays online – the digital footprint is a lasting one

For those families who missed this opportunity, please take a look at the Cybersafe Families website for further information and links.

I wish all our families a wonderful break and pray that you remain safe during this time and we look forward to being back together for the beginning of our new term. We wish every blessing to Mr Maglai as he begins his Leave, and we look forward to welcoming back Mr Mensforth and introducing Mr Nardecchia (Acting APRIM) to our community.

Happy holidays everyone!

Belinda Burford


From the Acting Deputy Principal
Dear Families and Friends of St Thomas School and Preschool

The Joy of Learning

Whilst this final week of term is preparation for holidays or a change of routine, it’s also timely to reflect upon all that Term 1 has contributed to the learning development of each child.

Learning development is often uneven and there are times where we observe growth in some areas of development and not others. This process is unique to each child and is maximised through excellent teaching practice and requires that children have clear, consistent boundaries and expectations that make them feel safe and valued. 

As parents we often want these learning opportunities for our children to be comfortable and joyous, however there are times when learning isn’t fun, but confronting. These moments of learning present desirable difficulty which is meaningful and character building, so children learn how to grow through challenges. In turn these experiences show children that they are competent and capable.

Thank you

As I conclude my final week at St Thomas I have been reflecting upon the very distinct nature of this school community and the way in which the staff team extend themselves on a daily basis to actively support the cognitive, physical, social emotional and spiritual learning development of each child; a truly wonderful team of skilled and dedicated educators.

Thank you to all families for the warm welcome I have received at St Thomas and for the privilege it has been for me to get to know you and your family during this latter part of the term.

Paul Mensforth will return to this wonderful community at the beginning of Term 2.

Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Term 2

 During Term 2 our school together with other schools throughout Australia will participate in the AEDC. The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative in which schools are asked to participate every three years.

The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. The census requires teachers to answer questions about each child’s development in relation to their physical health and wellbeing, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive skills, communication skills and general knowledge.

AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory and national level. Results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool.

The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need.

To find out more about the AEDC and how it is being used to help children and families visit: www.aedc.gov.au.

Gemma D’Angelo

Acting Deputy Principal

School Calendar

Monday 29th


Tuesday 30th


Monday 13th 

Year 5 Camp 

Tuesday 14th

Year 5 Campers Return

Debating Round 1

Advance Notice of Student Free Day

Friday 7th June

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends,

God’s Faithfulness

Last time, I was discussing the significance of Holy Week events and Easter. The resurrection of Jesus and the reactions of the apostles often lead to questions about the meaning of resurrection. It's a concept that can be challenging to grasp with our limited human knowledge and experience. Therefore, I would like to share the thoughts of Henri Nouwen on resurrection, as they can help us progress in our faith journey, deepen our faith, and open ourselves to the divine presence working within and around us.

“The resurrection does not solve our problems about dying and death. It is not the happy ending to our life’s struggle, nor is it the big surprise that God has kept in store for us. No, the resurrection is the expression of God’s faithfulness to Jesus and to all God’s children. Through the resurrection, God has said to Jesus, “You are indeed my beloved Son, and my love is everlasting,” and to us God has said, “You indeed are my beloved children, and my love is everlasting.” The resurrection is God’s way of revealing to us that nothing that belongs to God will ever go to waste. What belongs to God will never get lost — not even our mortal bodies. The resurrection doesn’t answer any of our curious questions about life after death, such as: How will it be? How will it look? But it does reveal to us that, indeed, love is stronger than death. After that revelation, we must remain silent, leave the whys, wheres, hows, and whens behind, and simply trust.”

Henry Nouwen

Project Compassion

On behalf of Caritas Australia, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the students who participated in our Project Compassion initiative by returning their donation boxes or Water Challenge slips, or by making payments through the QR code.

Your generosity and compassion have made a significant impact on the lives of those in need, and we are truly grateful for your support.

If you still have charity money at home, we kindly ask that you send it back at any time during term two. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps us continue our vital work in supporting vulnerable communities worldwide.

Thank you once again for your generosity and dedication to making a difference in the world.

As you know now I am taking long service leave in term two so that my wife and I can visit our remaining family in Hungary.

Thank you for the support and contribution through liturgies, masses, fundraising events, sacrament program and especially the Holy Week liturgies.

I look forward to reconnecting with you upon my return in term three.

See you in term three

Sebestyen Maglai


Reminders - Term 1 School Fees are now overdue. 

If you are paying by term please be reminded of the payment dates.  

Due dates are Friday of week 5 each term. 

  • Term 1 due 1st March 

  • Term 2 due 31st May 

  • Term 3 due 23rd August  

  • Term 4 due 15th November 

For all account queries contact Jodi Jansons- Business Manager accounts@stg.catholic.edu.au or 8177 8112. 

Thank you for your prompt attention to payment of School Fees. 

Please see attached Rocketeers Poster from Camp Australia

 Rocketeers Mission XIII Autumn 2024 - Poster.pdf



8.30AM - 4.00PM


Region 3 Regional Assembly
Dear St Thomas Community

Region 3 Committee would like to personally invite all families, to attend the Region 3 Regional Assembly to be held on Saturday the 4th May, 2024.

Please find attached an invitation to attend this Regional Assembly at Sacred Heart College – Champagnat Campus – 28 Percy Avenue, Mitchell Park.

Registration and morning tea 10.30am / Assembly will commence at 11am and finish at 3pm.

Please note: Everyone must register for this event.

 Students and Families to -RA3- 4-5-2024.pdf

Uniform Reminders
Winter uniform is to worn in Terms 2 & 3.  The Market Shed will continue to be open for 2nd hand uniform purchases on Friday mornings before school from 8.30am.

Please be reminded that sports shoes are to be PREDOMINANTLY WHITE.

Uniform Policy 2023- SIMPLE.pdf

Dear Parents,

All orders that were completed by 1st April will be sent home with students in Week 1 next term.

JRP has a dedicated customer service team that are available Monday to Friday to assist the school community with any ordering queries. We understand that moving to an online model may require some assistance and the team is here to provide you any help that you may need.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 1300 360 115, or via email at admin@jrpgrp.com

Warm regards,
JRP Group


 International Sports Camps.pdf
Golden Knights Karate
Please see flyer attached for Golden Knights Karate including First Month Free

 2023 Golden Knights mike interactive flyer.pdf