2nd February 2024  
2024 Amended Bell Times
Our bell times have changed slightly this year with school finishing at 3.00pm Our bell times will be as follows:

Morning duty begins 8.30am

Start of the school day 8.50am

Recess 11.10am - 11.30am

Lunch 1.00pm - 1.40pm

End of the school day 3.00pm

Afternoon duty ends 3.20pm

Welcome Back to School Instagram Post.png
from the Principal ..........
I warmly welcome all students and families to the beginning of our new school year! I trust that you have all enjoyed a relaxing holiday break and some memorable family time. It was fabulous to see our yard filled again with a happy buzz of children and so many family members on our first morning of the term! This week has been so calm and positive around our school as children settled into their new routines and learning spaces. The contributions that you have made at home towards preparing your children to be school ready, whether it be for the first time or for a return to school, have had such a great impact and for this we are very grateful. It has been delightful to see so many examples of resilient children independently entering the school yard, showing that they are ready for learning, ready to engage, connect and try their absolute best. I have to say that I’m extremely impressed with the special efforts with the shiny new black formal school shoes and the ‘extra white’ sneakers that I have seen.

As mentioned in my letter to parents this week, we have a number of new students and families joining our community. Please make them feel welcome and introduce yourself to any new faces in the yard!

As you will see on our school calendar, we have a number of wonderful community events scheduled and we look forward to sharing these occasions with you. Within this newsletter we list some of our key dates for the year for you. In particular, coming up this term we have our Parent Information Night on Tuesday 13th February. I encourage all our parents and caregivers to attend this event. This is such a valuable opportunity to meet your child’s teacher/s and receive more details about their learning environment and the year ahead. On this same evening we will hold our school Annual General Meeting at 5.30pm and invite you to attend. At this meeting we will share the reports from 2023 and finalise our School Board membership. We have three current School Board members at the end of tenure and due to retire. Our Chairperson, Trish Jarvis will retire from Board, following an exemplary period of service, bringing a wealth of knowledge, experience and insights highlighting both CESA and parent engagement perspectives. We also acknowledge retirement of Simon Misso and Karen Richards, who have both brought a balance of perspective, professionalism and very generous goodwill to their service. We will formally acknowledge these retirements at our AGM. This week you will receive a letter from me, calling for nominations for School Board Membership and details of the voting process. I invite you to consider this role as a most fulfilling way to contribute towards the St Thomas community for the benefit of all.

Just as we begin this year too, I take this opportunity for some timely reminders of practical and important information about daily school matters:

Morning arrival– School begins at 8.50am. Our school yard is supervised from 8.30am for student arrival. If supervision is required prior to 8.30am please book children into OSHC.

Afternoon pick up – School ends at 3.00pm. Our school yard is supervised until 3.20pm. If supervision is required beyond this time please book children into OSHC.

Late arrival - If children arrive late to school please bring them to the Front Office so that attendance can be recorded.

When entering/exiting via main walkway off Angus Street, please close the pedestrian gate after use.

Safe use of the School Crossing is a priority. Please support by teaching children to look both ways for traffic before entering crossing.

For students riding/walking independently via Goodwood Road pedestrian crossing, please support by teaching safe road practices.

Visiting school grounds - If parents need to enter the school grounds during the day, (outside of drop off/pick up times) please enter via main pedestrian access on Rushton St and proceed to the Front Office for assistance.

Car parking – is available at the Holy Cross Church. When using this car park please be considerate of: pedestrians crossing, keeping driveways clear and free from obstruction, slow driving speed and disabled parking use for those with permits.

Car parking in Rushton and Angus Streets – please follow signage. Be aware that this is regularly patrolled by Unley Council and Regulatory Services. We have had both SAPOL and Council presence already this week, so please adhere to road laws and signage.

In following these simple processes, we all contribute to the smooth operations at school and help ensure the safety of all in our community.

In closing, I wish you all the very best for the year ahead and look forward to working in partnership with you to bring to life our school motto: Faith, Family, Future.

Belinda Burford


From the Deputy Principal
Starting a new year with the St Thomas Way …Positive Behaviour Education at St Thomas

The St Thomas Learning Community has recently redesigned its Positive Behaviour Education Procedures. This process of redesign has been guided by…

Our core belief that everybody, created in God’s image, matters and matters absolutely

Our core belief that in our humanness, we make mistakes and forgiveness helps us to grow to become the best version of ourselves

Our core belief in the importance of high expectations in behaviour and learning

Our goal to further increase student learning outcomes by increasing accessible learning time

Our learning as a Positive Education School, grounded in an understanding of restorative practices

Staff learning on the impact of trauma on the development and function of the brain- and on our responses to the world around us- especially through the Making Space for Learning Project

Staff training in Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS) as part of a CESA Project

Our work with Lea Waters in developing our shared understanding of Visible Well-Being.

We are excited about the evolution of our whole school expectations and positive behaviour education procedures and look forward to sharing these important aspects of this redesign in the newsletter to support our partnership with parents and families.

This week, we introduce ‘The St Thomas Way.’ These are our whole school expectations – for every activity and aspect of the St Thomas Community. These expectations will be consistent in all classrooms, on sports carnivals, excursions and camps, as well as in our OSHC service. This week as we begin a new year, students have been focusing on ways they can follow ‘The St Thomas Way’ and help others when they are having trouble.

Follow this link to access ‘The St Thomas Way’…. The St Thomas Code -simple.pdf

If you have any questions or feedback to support this redesign, please email Paul Mensforth (pmensforth@stg.catholic.edu.au) or Nick Mezzino (nmezzino@stg.catholic.edu.au)

Go gently,

Paul Mensforth

Deputy Principal

School Calendar

Friday  9th

Nourish & Flourish Day

Monday 12th

Year 3/4 Woodhouse Excursion

Tuesday 13th

AGM & Parent Information Night

Shrove Tuesday

Wednesday 14th

Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass

Tuesday 29th

School Photos


Tuesday 5th

Preschool Photos

Thursday 7th

Preschool Photos

Friday 8th

Student Free Day

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends,

Welcome to the 2024 school year. I hope your holiday break and Christmas season enabled rest, relaxation and time with family. 

At the end of last year Pope Francis has declared 2024 the Year of Prayer. In light of this, our focus for the year will centre around various forms of prayer; including traditional prayers, prayers expressed through songs, meditation, personal reflections and communal prayer. We extend an invitation to our community to participate in our celebrations and encourage the use of prayers that children have learned in school at home.

Sacrament Program 2024

We are currently accepting enrolments for the 2024 Sacrament Program. The program will kick off in the upcoming term with Reconciliation, followed by Confirmation and First Eucharist in terms 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Enrolment forms are available at the school office. We encourage interested participants to complete the forms and join us in this meaningful journey of faith.

We pray for our students and their families that 2024 will be a year of significant personal growth, good health, excellent learning, and rich formation. At the same time, we are certain that our students will each be met by leaders and staff who will know them by name and see their strengths; invite them into a personal relationship with Jesus; take the time to nurture trusting and respectful working relationships; guide and challenge them; correct them and care for them; teach them in words and by example; inspire them to care for creation and those less fortunate; encourage them to truly understand the meaning of ‘common good’; and always believe in them.

Sebestyen Maglai


from Chair of the School Board
It looks a little different now

I’m 43 years old.

My mum passed away when I was 26. My dad passed away when I was 31. I would be lying to say I did not question my faith during these years.

I grew up surrounded by faith. My dad came from an Irish Catholic home. My mum was raised by Catholic parents who valued Sunday Mass. She taught Sunday School, we went to church each weekend, did our sacraments, chose our Confirmation sponsors. We counted down the days until we could try Communion.

As we grew older and went through High School, we would continue our faith journey with our parents, without questions.

So, when mum got sick, I immediately questioned this faith. Here was a woman who was the most selfless person you would find. She volunteered at Church, she worked two jobs, she cared for elderly nuns. She prayed every night. I heard her. She prayed not just for our family but for strangers, for nature, for everyone.

And here she was. Sick, with no cure. And so young.

When dad passed away, I felt more cheated. I remember my mum telling me not to blame anybody and to keep my faith because she could see that it was fading away. And that if I lost it, someday, I would find it again.

And I did lose it. For quite a while.

Since my parents have passed away, I have healed. Through healing you learn. I have learnt it's ok to question your faith. It's ok to find and to seek meaning.

Because I've bargained with God; I've pleaded with God. I’ve asked so many times why this happened to me and my family.

So yes  - I questioned my faith in very difficult periods.  And I think that's OK to do so.

Because if we don't question, what are we believing in? If we just believe in what we've been taught, without taking a moment to feel or see what faith truly might mean then what are we believing in?

And it is this community, this school that started that the healing. That brought the faith back. And it came in different ways. It was the teacher that shook my son’s hand daily in year 2, the true compassion for my sick child, the development of a deep understanding for ecology and the constant feeling of community. So it came back, but in a different way. And I have now realised, faith doesn’t have to look the same as you thought.

If I am now asked why I send my children to Catholic schools, the answer is easy. It is community. It is belonging.

As you walk through these school gates, you are not asked what your favourite bible verse is. You are not asked to produce your sacrament certificates. You are just welcome. Wherever you are at with your faith journey.

You will see this daily at St Thomas. In the yard, in the learning, in the living. Faith can look different to what we knew as children, what we picture it “should” be. And this community shows us this.

So, if you are new here - know that you are welcome, know that your valued.

Mum and Dad, I didn't lose it. It just came back - stronger. And looks a little different.

Trish Jarvis 

Chair of St Thomas School Board

Nourish & Flourish Day 2024
Nourish and Flourish Day

Next Friday 9th February, we will be celebrating our annual Nourish and Flourish Day here at St Thomas. Our learners will be participating in a range of activities as a whole school that continue to develop our Learner Dispositions and further grow our community connections. The day will run during normal school hours and will take place on the school grounds.

The school will also be providing a healthy sandwich to each learner for lunch on the day. If your child has any specific dietary requirements (other than gluten-free), we ask that you pack an alternative lunch as usual. The canteen WILL NOT BE OPEN on this day.


All learners are asked to wear their PE Uniform, with their House Colour T-Shirt (the same t-shirt used for Sports Day last year!) However, if students are yet to find out their House Team or they don’t yet have a coloured t-shirt, PE Uniform will be fine.


All learners will need to bring their healthy snack, recess, water bottle and hats as usual.


We are seeking 1-2 parent volunteers for each class to assist with preparing and serving the sandwich platters from 11:30am. Please follow this link to confirm that you can help…


We are looking forward to what should be a fun and positive experience for our whole community!

Hi Everyone,

As we re-enter the busyness of the new school year, we have some exciting and important changes to the way our Eco-Warriors will operate during 2024. Some of it starts with you at home and some of it will be student led. So here is a short list of what we would like to achieve during the first part of 2024!

Nude Food

We have made some great progress in the past 3 or 4 years by the way in which we manage our waste - not just in the school but in our homes as a collective community too. In 2024, we want to be the leaders in Catholic Education in this area as we continue to build our education in this area.

This year we are launching Nude food in the school next week through an assembly and call to arms from our students and families as we get back into the lunchbox routine. The students will be monitoring their classroom waste carefully which will begin with education then a competition to encourage progress in waste reduction during the year. 

What we would love from you is to be mindful about what you are buying at the supermarket. Please try to buy food items that are unpackaged, recyclable and not individually wrapped. More fresh fruit and veg is great for energy and learning and contains less of the salt, sugars and fat in general than low or unprocessed foods. If you can send food to school in labelled reusable containers where possible that would be great too. We don’t have to be perfect yet, just improving where we can. 

Cafe & Eco-Market Shed

We are on the cusp of opening our very own school cafe on Friday mornings in our Workshop! We have sourced a great commercial coffee machine and grinder and will be serving coffee and snacks to any parents who would like to join us before school on Fridays beginning in week 3. If you are heading in for assembly, community prayer or just a drop off, please come around for a coffee or a chat with other parents in our school community. Our cafe will be run in part by our senior students who are also designing the logo, name, merchandise and marketing theme for our new project. Keep an eye on our socials for more information on this in the coming weeks -We are really excited about this new community project.

We are also on the verge of opening our very own Eco-Market Shed right next to the Workshop. Our market will take the place of our Pre-Loved uniform stall in front of the office but will also lend itself to sales of plants, worm fertiliser, free-range eggs and any other produce we can produce during the year. ‘The Market Shed’ will also be our drop off location for Nespresso aluminium pod recycling, so if you are a collector - please send them in. All pre-loved uniforms can be dropped off to the shed at any time or to the front office for the Eco-Warriors to add to the market stock.

Thanks in advance for your support in this, we are really looking forward to making a difference this year!

Nick Mezzino

Ecology Leader

Road Safety at at Thomas
Road Safety and Parking at St Thomas

St Thomas seeks to support ALL FAMILIES in arriving and leaving school safely. We encourage and promote active, healthy and environmentally friendly transport to and from school including walking and cycling where possible and practical.

The new parking and traffic improvements which came into effect in 2023, through the City of Unley Council, define the parking and traffic restrictions around our school and it is up to each person in our community to ensure these are followed. Together with local residents, St Thomas School and Preschool, aims to work together to ensure safe, respectful road use. Our school community values our relationship with our neighbours and seeks to be respectful and courteous of their home environment and their ease of access to the roads. We also value our relationship with the Emmaus Parish and their generosity in sharing the church carpark.

This poster details the available options for parking at St Thomas School and Preschool and the practical considerations for this…

Road and Parking Safety at St Thomas POSTER.pdf

Thank you to all families who have actively followed these guidelines and procedures. Please be aware the council and SA Police have been in the area monitoring compliance with these traffic laws.

Uniform Reminders
Please be reminded that formal shoes are to be BLACK SCHOOL SHOES and sports shoes are to be PREDOMINANTLY WHITE.


Uniform Policy 2023- SIMPLE.pdf

Thank you

The Leadership Team

We are looking forward to the recommencement of our most loved Gala Day Event

Saturday 16th March 2024